Get to Know…Snow Shoe EMS

We’re highlighting the amazing departments we insure around the country and all they do for their communities. For this department story we interviewed Sharon Nilson, EMS Operations Chief of Snow Shoe EMS in Centre County, PA!


Department Type

Snow Shoe EMS is a combination paid/volunteer emergency medical service department that has been serving Centre County in Pennsylvania since 1940. Originally founded as the Rothrock Rod Gun Club, the department has a long history of providing care to the residents of Snow Shoe Borough, Snow Shoe Township, Burnside Township, and the surrounding areas. We’re also a part of the Centre County Ambulance Association and members of the PA Ambulance Association. 

Our Coverage Area

Snow Shoe EMS covers a large rural area of 171 square miles, with a population of about 2,000 residents. This includes 20 miles of I-80, state game lands, and private campgrounds. The department is located in Snow Shoe, Pennsylvania, and is about a 30-minute drive from the nearest hospital.

The Kinds of Calls We Respond To

We respond to a variety of calls, including:

  • Medical emergencies: A large portion of our calls are for medical emergencies, such as chest pains, respiratory distress, and diabetic complications. This is due in part to the older population in the area.
  • Motor vehicle accidents: I-80 and the surrounding rural roads see their fair share of accidents, and we’re always on call to respond.
  • ATV/UTV accidents: With the popularity of ATVs and UTVs for recreation, there is an increased risk of accidents. We’re trained to respond to these types of incidents.
  • Hiking/fishing/hunting accidents: People who enjoy the outdoors in the area can sometimes get into trouble. We’re prepared to respond to these types of emergencies as well.

A Story of Teamwork

One of the challenges of serving a rural area is the distance that EMS personnel may need to travel to reach a patient. Snow Shoe EMS recently had a call for a hiker on the Chuck Keiper Trail who was experiencing chest pains. The hiker’s friend had to hike for an hour to get cell phone reception to call 911. Rescuers then faced a 1.5-hour hike in, navigating rattlesnake-infested terrain during peak season. After assessing the hiker, who had already taken aspirin, they determined evacuation by basket, helicopter, or ATV was impossible. Instead, they slowly guided him out on foot, a grueling 3-hour trek, with frequent rest stops for oxygen and vital checks. Fire department personnel were strategically placed along the trail to provide light and warn of rattlesnakes. A second paramedic unit was dispatched to intercept them, as the original medic’s return would have caused a dangerous delay. Finally reaching the trailhead, the hiker was transported by ATV to an awaiting ambulance. Despite the initial scare, the hiker’s condition improved during the evacuation, and everyone was relieved to have safely navigated the hazardous trail.

Our Apparatus

Snow Shoe EMS has two ambulances that are used to respond to emergencies. Our crew consists of three drivers, one paramedic, one A-EMT, and nine EMT-Bs.

Our Fundraisers

We rely on fundraising to support our operations. Some of our annual fundraisers include:  

  • Lottery ticket sales before the holidays
  • Soda sales at the fall festival
  • A booth at the Snow Shoe Carnival
  • Tip-off ticket tournaments and special bingo games

Partnering with Provident

We’re excited to partner with Provident to provide EMS training to our members via your FirePlus Academy. The department looks forward to a long and productive relationship with Provident.

To learn more about Snow Shoe EMS, visit their website and follow them on Facebook here.