We’re highlighting the amazing departments we insure around the country and all they do for their communities. For this department spotlight we interviewed Nixa Fire Protection District in Nixa, Missouri!
Your Name & Title: Whitney Weaver, Assistant Fire Chief
Department Name: Nixa Fire Protection District
Department Type: Career
When was your department founded?
The Nixa Fire Protection District was established under Missouri Statute 321. The District was governed by a three-member board, with a tax levy of $.30, and covered 50 square miles around the City of Nixa with fifteen volunteer firefighters. Steve Russell was appointed as the District’s first Fire Chief. In May 1992, the River Fork Ranch Subdivision (approximately 3 square miles in Stone County) petitioned into the fire district, and increased the fire district to 53 square miles.
What community/communities do you support?
Currently 53 square miles around and including the City of Nixa, MO.
What kinds of incidents does your department commonly deal with?
We are an all-hazard organization; however, we focus most of our training on firefighting. Like many departments around us, EMS calls take up many of our responses. This is followed closely by Service calls (lift assists, smoke alarm and CO checks). We value both types of responses because it gets us in homes. The crews have the time and can educate fire safety while ensuring those homes have working smoke alarms.
What types of engines do you have?
Engine 21 is a 2015 Precision (pictured above).
Engine 22 is a 2013 Rosenbauer
Engine 23 is a 2000 American LaFrance
Engine 24 is a 2000 American LaFrance
Engine 25 is a 2021 E-one Pumper/Tanker.
We also have one new engine under contract for construction.
What fundraisers or other annual events do you host as a department?
Sucker Days (a long-standing fair in our downtown Nixa).
How has Provident been able to support your department and its members?
By providing FirePlus Academy, your affordable training that is simple to track and assign to our members.
To learn more about the Nixa Fire Protection District, visit their website and follow their Facebook page here.